About Pastor Yuhana and Dholi Marassi Tribe

Pastor Yuhana Siddique:


                                                                     When I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior and turned away from Catholic Church, we were surrounded by endless difficulties and problems. My father who was a cutter Catholic used to quarrel with us daily and saying non-Christian (kaafir) to us of turning away from Catholicism. He asked me and my family to leave the rooms of the house and we were forced to live outside the rooms in the portion called “Baramda”. Living there, having no proper system of living, we faced boiling heat of summers and chilling of winters. In such extreme weather, our children used to get sick; even we lost one of our sons named “Prince” who died at very little age after becoming sick by getting cold in one of the extreme cold winters. Even facing such difficulties, hardships and sorrows, we remained strong in our faith on our Lord and we continued to pray that God may arrange a residence for us so that we could live in a better place. God answered our prayers and he arranged our living with a missionary lady and we lived with Sister “Cynthia Skinner” for around 8 years. After that, God blessed us with our own house and we are so thankful to our Lord for this blessing. Amen      

About Dholy Marrasi Tribe:     

I am very pleased in writing you that I and my wife for the past many years are spreading the message and the Good News of the Bible, among the tribal areas of Pakistan through sharing the word of God, meetings with non-Christian people mostly Hindus, showing them the right way of living in the light of the Bible. I am thankful to my Lord, who chose me and my wife to start this service many years ago and He is using us to take the word in those areas and peoples who never the Bible or knew about it, and I am glad to write that many of them accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and their lives have been changed after coming to Christ,

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.      Mathew 28:19

In 1992 while we were staying with Missionary Sister Cindy Skinner, Lord spoke me to serve Dholy Tribe people. Dholy are musician and they beat drums.(Dhole) and that is why they are called dholy in cost system they are the lowest all castes of the Marwari Tribes. Here Marwari are called THORI mean un touchable, unclean upper caste people do not shake hand with these Marwaries and Dholies are lowest of all caste. Even marwaries  do not shake hands with these dholies. Becouse of this barrier no ane was willing to minister to these to un touchable people.

There are around five hundred families from this cast of people living in Rahim Yar Khan District. Among these five hundred families, 15% families’ lives in homes but the remaining 85% families are homeless. 2% people are educated till 8th standard in school, while 98% people are completely illiterate. Being uneducated, these people cannot find proper jobs and they get addiction to drugs, and being drug addicted, different kinds of diseases keep surrounding them always. Because of having no jobs, these people are very poor that they even cannot afford the cost of treatment when they are ill and thus, soon they are covered by the dark shadow of death leaving behind their wives as widows and children as orphans and the families gets deeper into various worries and difficulties. These people are quite far away from God. They are indulged into Idolism and going on graves of the people they believe were righteous in their lives and asking prayers over their graves.

Language: The language of these people is Hindi, Urdu

Profession: Being uneducated, they cannot find a proper job for themselves and they go to various events of happiness such as weddings for singing and get money for their living. Besides this, when there are no events of weddings, they are seen as beggars. As considered one of the lowest and hatred cast, no one took this initiative to go into these people to preach the Good News of Gospel and share the Good News of Jesus Christ. I am thankful to God that He chose me and my wife to serve Him in these people.

We were also reluctant to work among these people because of our society prospective. Nusrat and I pray for one month and asked the Lord to give us burden for other noble people but Lord gave us clear vision to serve these lowest of all castes people. We started ministerial work among  Dholy in Karim abad town Sadiq abad and then whole district of Rahim yar khan. Soon afterwards we saw change in these depressed people. Seeing this changed we were encouraged and blessed very much. Many were saved and baptized. They left worshiping the idol and accepted Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We have been serving them with used clothes, medicine from our tithe and help from love offering from our friends for the last 18 years.